Please pray for: the Snow Family (see below), the "B" Family (keep reading), the "G" Family, still waiting for the powers to be in an African country to release their two children in the adoption process; the "V" Family, waiting for a referral and knowing that God has a special little boy planned for them; the "P" Family pushing forward against bureaucratic obstacles in their adoption journey; the "K" Family, holding on to hope that God will soften hearts in Russia and make the way for the little boy to come home soon...
And pray for people who continue to argue that Americans should just adopt American children. Can you imagine if God said that he would only adopt Jews? What if He said that His Son's death wasn't good enough to set Gentiles free? That only the Israelites would be saved. What if God said that He was a God of one nation only? Jesus died as a ransom for all. He came to set ALL sinners free! That's you and me, peeps, regardless of nationality, culture, heritage, ethnicity, language, race... I'm a child of God, adopted into His eternal family. Thank You, Lord that You love me...just because You LOVE. Thank You that all Your children deserve love and families. I don't know why you chose us to adopt African children, but then again, I don't know why you chose my home to be in America. I know that you have chosen families to adopt American children, too. Thank you for the Zoccolis, Clardys, Castellanos, Browns, and many, many more! Only You know what the purpose for each of our lives is - for Your kingdom, and all I can do is listen and follow.
I just read a post on our friend's blog - The Snow Bunch. Geez, this adoption stuff is really tough. It's a roller coaster ride, and we all need to hang on tight so as not to be thrown out or get sick to our stomachs during the ride. Melissa and Brian have been through all of this and are buckling up for more! Bless them, Lord, as they forge a path ahead of us. Their girls are preparing to celebrate Christmas with our boys. This somewhat selfish mommy is grateful my little boys will have good friends with them for a short while longer. But, God speed the Snow Girls home in your gracious timing and love!
In the same breath, I pray God speed our boys home, too. We received our dossier safe and sound on Christmas Eve! Woohoooo! Now we receive direction from our agency as to which papers are still good, and which ones need renewal, update, etc. We hope to have all international papers in place by the middle of January. Then we wait and pray for a court date, sooner rather than later. In the meantime, we still pray also for God's guidance with fundraising. Each time I have applied for grants, or attempted to apply for grants, there has been some type of roadblock we've had to face. We were declined by one, completely brushed off after several emails by another organization, unable to complete two other online applications due to computer or internet issues, and don't qualify for about half-a-dozen more I've come across through searches and research. Gggrrrrr. My analysis: God does not have a grant in the near future for us. At least not one of these! I trust in Him and His provision completely and wait for Him to speak to us regarding the next method of raising the funds needed to bring our boys home. I LOVE how He has touched the hearts of so many people through our boys and their journey home.
I want to share one story that came out of our Two Week Timeline and Testimony of God's goodness. I had prayed several times to the Lord, basically crying out to Him that I am such a wimp and that I really needed a Gideon moment. I really needed that fleece - that tangible, "This is Me!" moment from God. (Judges 6:36-40) I asked Him to please speak through Paul; that He would confirm His will and direction through words from my sweet husband. After all, this really had to be led by Paul. This is his family as much as mine, and his heart had to be completely invested in this as much if not more than mine. Well, God delivered, as usual. Twice, He spoke through Paul. Once was very immediate when I asked God to confirm my "Yes" through Paul's direction, and Paul within 24 hours said, "I think these are the children we're supposed to adopt." The next time came through a "this could only be the Holy Spirit" event. My very private and humble better-half wrote a letter. It was written from his heart and his own desire to bring our boys home. He wrote a letter to Todd Wilson, AKA The Family Man. Mr. Wilson is well-known in the homeschooling community. He travels to conventions all over the country, speaking to thousands of homeschool families everywhere. He has also written several books, has a great business and website, and publishes an email newsletter received by countless homes throughout the country. And my Paul wrote him a letter regarding our desire to adopt the boys and the needs involved! Say what? Yup. He did it. I didn't even know he had done this until one evening, actually, late night, we were both checking our emails and I was preparing an adoption update on our FB account. I heard Paul say, "He put it in his newsletter." The words were quiet, but the emotion behind the words...well... let's just say I knew it meant something big. There it was, big as life, Paul's letter in Todd Wilson's newsletter! Amazing! That could only be God, and through this God-move, we received support and prayers from the other side of the country. East meets west! Again - Amazing! Not only did God touch Mr. Wilson's heart somehow, to encourage him to send Paul's letter to all of his subscribers, but God touched other families who were waiting for direction from Him in terms of His plans for our little boys. Those families probably had no idea this was destined to happen, just like we didn't know during our Thanksgiving meal this year that we would be introduced to our boys before Christmas. However, I want to share at least one story of a family who was specifically meant to read that letter.
The "B" family in another state far from us sent me an email after reading the letter. Mrs. B asked that I call her so that we could talk, as she had some questions about our adoption. I now have another sister far from Arizona whose heart is burdened for adoption and orphans as mine is! The B family had been in deep prayer mode for a while, not hearing clearly whether they were meant to adopt a little boy ("Little X") from China. He has special needs and more than anything needs a family. He needs a mom and dad, but Mrs. B and even more so, her husband, were not convinced that this was exactly what God had for them in terms of adoption. When they read the letter that Paul wrote, they were immediately tugged. She said that right away she thought that maybe this is how God wanted them to "adopt" - by supporting other families in need of funding. Whoa there, Lord. You continue to rock my world! How is it that two women on opposite ends of a continent, can be brought together for the purpose of giving orphans a home? Only by Your hands, God! Only You. As this new friend of mine and I prepared to close our phone conversation, we committed to praying for each other; that God would make all His plans clear and evident to both families, and that He would provide for all orphans and families. Before we hung up, my new friend shared this with me. She said that she and her husband were in the car driving just the night before our conversation and they were talking about their continued desire to help our boys. They couldn't get our family out of their minds and felt that it really was God prompting them. Right at that moment, they looked up and saw two shooting stars. She said, "Look! There are the boys!" Then, she knew she had seen another confirmation from God that He wanted them to help bring our boys home.
Do you see what I mean? Our boys' story is so not about me, or my heart's desire, or my will, or my strength. It's completely about God's heart and those of us who hear Him stepping out in obedience. Jeepers! God continues to perform miracles every day! Thank you, Lord, for the "B" family. Thank you for writing a story through two, beautiful, Ethiopian children! I have no doubts that You have great plans for them. How honored and privileged we are to simply be part of the story.

I have inherited Your testimonies forever,
For they are the joy of my heart.
I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, even to the end.
Psalm 119: 111, 112
For they are the joy of my heart.
I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, even to the end.
Psalm 119: 111, 112
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
Christmas Gifts
Another Christmas come and gone... but not really gone. Christmas for us is a time that remains in our home and hearts as the Holy Spirit reveals Himself to our family each day. We awake every morning with the knowledge that Jesus came to earth as a humble infant, completely dependent on His Father God for all things. Much like us, yes?! What a glorious gift; JESUS! God made man. Stepping down into darkness bringing light into this crazy world!
We absolutely LOVE Christmas and the joy of celebrating our Savior's birth!
Yet - the darkness still eminates from the regions of the earth where Jesus is not allowed to enter the hearts of man...
I can't help but be filled with sorrow as I think of the inexplicable tragedy of the ban on American families adopting from Russia. Hundreds of thousands of children are institutionalized there, in orphanages that lack proper or any sources of heat in the winter, cooling in the summer, water to drink, food to nourish growing bodies, and medicine to bring comfort and health. Worst yet, the lack of loving care is evident in the absence of emotion and even physical strength in these precious children. What happens now to the families who have children in Russia still? What happens to those sweet babies? My heart breaks. Please pray with me for these families and children, and for the hearts of those in Russia who can make a difference and change this awful, political move.
Christmas remains true, no matter what others want to believe, or try to disprove. Jesus came to this world to set us free. He is our Redeemer and He has already been victorious. We reflect on this reality as we think of Christmas in other areas of the world. Russia. Vietnam. Romania. Africa. Our little boys will celebrate Christmas in Ethiopia on January 7th. They may have only one gift this year, besides the gift of Jesus. We are so thrilled that the one other gift is the knowledge that they have a family waiting to take them in and smother them with love and God's truth!!! May the waiting be short-lived, Lord, and may Your will continue to be done here on earth as in heaven. Your Kingdom come!
In His Loving Grip,
We absolutely LOVE Christmas and the joy of celebrating our Savior's birth!
Yet - the darkness still eminates from the regions of the earth where Jesus is not allowed to enter the hearts of man...
I can't help but be filled with sorrow as I think of the inexplicable tragedy of the ban on American families adopting from Russia. Hundreds of thousands of children are institutionalized there, in orphanages that lack proper or any sources of heat in the winter, cooling in the summer, water to drink, food to nourish growing bodies, and medicine to bring comfort and health. Worst yet, the lack of loving care is evident in the absence of emotion and even physical strength in these precious children. What happens now to the families who have children in Russia still? What happens to those sweet babies? My heart breaks. Please pray with me for these families and children, and for the hearts of those in Russia who can make a difference and change this awful, political move.
Christmas remains true, no matter what others want to believe, or try to disprove. Jesus came to this world to set us free. He is our Redeemer and He has already been victorious. We reflect on this reality as we think of Christmas in other areas of the world. Russia. Vietnam. Romania. Africa. Our little boys will celebrate Christmas in Ethiopia on January 7th. They may have only one gift this year, besides the gift of Jesus. We are so thrilled that the one other gift is the knowledge that they have a family waiting to take them in and smother them with love and God's truth!!! May the waiting be short-lived, Lord, and may Your will continue to be done here on earth as in heaven. Your Kingdom come!
In His Loving Grip,
Thursday, December 20, 2012
We Give Thanks
We give thanks for Christmas. We celebrate the birth of our Savior who came to set us, wretches and captives, free. We sing our praises to Him and offer all we have and all we are to Jesus, our Redeemer and Friend. Thank you for making a way for us to be adopted into your Father's family and making us sons and daughters of the King.
We give thanks for earthly adoption. As the greater Body, we need God to direct us and guide us, imparting heavenly wisdom to each so that we may know how to come along side Him to support orphans and families called to give orphans forever families. We thank you, Lord, that in this crazy world of international adoption, You are sovereign, and You are mighty to save.
We give thanks for those who hear and heed the voice of God. It's not always audible. In fact, my guess is we rarely "hear" the voice of God, but our minds and our hearts hear Him clearly when we listen in faith...and when He speaks to our souls. I can tell you I have clearly heard God, and I can tell you that it isn't because I'm anyone special or "holier" than the next. He simply had a job for me to do, so He told me to do it.
There are people saying, "What you are doing is so great." Well, great or not, it isn't what I'm doing. It's what God is doing with me, in me, through me, and for me. It's what He needs to do for our Ethiopian sons. He has a purpose for bringing them to the United States and to our family. This is the way things are supposed to be, and though I can tell you that I love those boys with the true love of a Mama's heart, I can tell you in the same breath that they aren't coming home just because of my love or my desire for more children. Really, I didn't wake up one day in my 40's and say, "Wow! I feel like I can start all over with this parenting stuff, and homeschool as many children as I can, and keep up with the sleepless nights, and the vomiting little ones who get the flu every year, and the additional college funds, and the half-dozen more years of braces and retainers. Yeah! I'm ready to go, God! And, by the way, let's make this process really lengthy, really heart-wrenching, really humbling, and really expensive! Woooooo!!! I'm ready, God! Get to it!!" Really? This is hard stuff! It makes no sense, unless you know that it is God and that He will supply all you need and more. That's just who He is. He's a very faithful and generous Daddy! To be disobedient and not follow His lead in faith is just... well. It's just not an option.
We give thanks for the families and individuals who have shared of their time, energy, resources, prayers, and hearts. There are so many of you! I need to list you all, but I'm afraid I might miss someone! If I do, please forgive me, and please know that we are forever in your debt.
To those of you who gave endlessly to make our spaghetti dinner and silent auction an amazing evening of fun and fellowship, including donating food, auction items, and SO much more, and those of you who held us up and supported us financially, spiritually, and emotionally during the Two-Week-Timeline ...
Mom and Dad Lopez, Michele and Kevin Hull, Bart and Dusti Powell and family, Mike and Alisa Zoccoli, Chris Panepinto, John and Debbie Hervey, Kevin and Kathy Lott, Mark and Jennifer Sequeira, Lindsey Ozmon, Angie Kennedy, Chad and Cary Kent, Carlos and Natalie Valiente, Kari and Ruben Moreno, Kirk Pieper, Liz Mews, John and Eli Milan, Lisa Moore, Burton Howell, Stephanie Howard, Christine Heaps, Jeff Wilson, Daniela Virani, Gloria Mendoza, Eva and Jim Cionci, Morgan and Elizabeth Blitz, James and Bethany Pattie, Adam Chandler, Mark and Donna Grady, Eric and Velvet Jones, Scott and Dona Barclay, Tyler and Jennifer Flake, Skip and Normandee Ballingham, Melanie Clardy, Phil and Angie Klein, Andrea McClees and family, Amanda and Robert Hasty, Chris and Karen McCarthy, Scott and Theresa Myers, Matt and Dee Brown, George Lee, Scott Voyda, Darin and Natalie Soll, Rachael Gephardt, Bill and Vickie Frazer, Scott and Lesa Hinkle, The Van Dusen Family, Dr. Shane Blacker (our ortho), The Brown Family in Virginia, Todd Wilson, The FamilyMan!, our church family at Evident Life, and so many other families who donated and supported us from the other side of the country :-) ...
Our Ethiopia Director at the agency - Randi Shetley, for your unending prayer and encouragement - and for knowing that this could be done!
Melissa and Brian Snow - The Snow Bunch, for loving on our boys as they play with your daughters in Ethiopia, and for praying alongside us! Praying that your girls are home SOON! Thank you for inspiring us through your story. :-) God moved your mountain first!
Sara and Jason Gyolai - You know exactly why! :)
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for our little boys in Africa!
Praising Him!
We give thanks for earthly adoption. As the greater Body, we need God to direct us and guide us, imparting heavenly wisdom to each so that we may know how to come along side Him to support orphans and families called to give orphans forever families. We thank you, Lord, that in this crazy world of international adoption, You are sovereign, and You are mighty to save.
We give thanks for those who hear and heed the voice of God. It's not always audible. In fact, my guess is we rarely "hear" the voice of God, but our minds and our hearts hear Him clearly when we listen in faith...and when He speaks to our souls. I can tell you I have clearly heard God, and I can tell you that it isn't because I'm anyone special or "holier" than the next. He simply had a job for me to do, so He told me to do it.
There are people saying, "What you are doing is so great." Well, great or not, it isn't what I'm doing. It's what God is doing with me, in me, through me, and for me. It's what He needs to do for our Ethiopian sons. He has a purpose for bringing them to the United States and to our family. This is the way things are supposed to be, and though I can tell you that I love those boys with the true love of a Mama's heart, I can tell you in the same breath that they aren't coming home just because of my love or my desire for more children. Really, I didn't wake up one day in my 40's and say, "Wow! I feel like I can start all over with this parenting stuff, and homeschool as many children as I can, and keep up with the sleepless nights, and the vomiting little ones who get the flu every year, and the additional college funds, and the half-dozen more years of braces and retainers. Yeah! I'm ready to go, God! And, by the way, let's make this process really lengthy, really heart-wrenching, really humbling, and really expensive! Woooooo!!! I'm ready, God! Get to it!!" Really? This is hard stuff! It makes no sense, unless you know that it is God and that He will supply all you need and more. That's just who He is. He's a very faithful and generous Daddy! To be disobedient and not follow His lead in faith is just... well. It's just not an option.
We give thanks for the families and individuals who have shared of their time, energy, resources, prayers, and hearts. There are so many of you! I need to list you all, but I'm afraid I might miss someone! If I do, please forgive me, and please know that we are forever in your debt.
To those of you who gave endlessly to make our spaghetti dinner and silent auction an amazing evening of fun and fellowship, including donating food, auction items, and SO much more, and those of you who held us up and supported us financially, spiritually, and emotionally during the Two-Week-Timeline ...
Mom and Dad Lopez, Michele and Kevin Hull, Bart and Dusti Powell and family, Mike and Alisa Zoccoli, Chris Panepinto, John and Debbie Hervey, Kevin and Kathy Lott, Mark and Jennifer Sequeira, Lindsey Ozmon, Angie Kennedy, Chad and Cary Kent, Carlos and Natalie Valiente, Kari and Ruben Moreno, Kirk Pieper, Liz Mews, John and Eli Milan, Lisa Moore, Burton Howell, Stephanie Howard, Christine Heaps, Jeff Wilson, Daniela Virani, Gloria Mendoza, Eva and Jim Cionci, Morgan and Elizabeth Blitz, James and Bethany Pattie, Adam Chandler, Mark and Donna Grady, Eric and Velvet Jones, Scott and Dona Barclay, Tyler and Jennifer Flake, Skip and Normandee Ballingham, Melanie Clardy, Phil and Angie Klein, Andrea McClees and family, Amanda and Robert Hasty, Chris and Karen McCarthy, Scott and Theresa Myers, Matt and Dee Brown, George Lee, Scott Voyda, Darin and Natalie Soll, Rachael Gephardt, Bill and Vickie Frazer, Scott and Lesa Hinkle, The Van Dusen Family, Dr. Shane Blacker (our ortho), The Brown Family in Virginia, Todd Wilson, The FamilyMan!, our church family at Evident Life, and so many other families who donated and supported us from the other side of the country :-) ...
Our Ethiopia Director at the agency - Randi Shetley, for your unending prayer and encouragement - and for knowing that this could be done!
Melissa and Brian Snow - The Snow Bunch, for loving on our boys as they play with your daughters in Ethiopia, and for praying alongside us! Praying that your girls are home SOON! Thank you for inspiring us through your story. :-) God moved your mountain first!
Sara and Jason Gyolai - You know exactly why! :)
Thank you, Jesus! Thank you for our little boys in Africa!
Praising Him!
Monday, December 17, 2012
When His People Pray...
Well, I don't know where to start!
First of all, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for standing with us through
these last two weeks. For lifting our family in prayer. For devoting so much
time, energy, resources, and emotion into being part of bringing our little
guys home. WE MADE IT! We are fully funded for our Tuesday deadline!!!
Alleluia! We serve a big and mighty God, and when He is determined to carry out
His plans, He doesn't let anything stand in His way. How humbled we are by your
hearts and God's faithfulness. There are so many amazing stories to share -
once I can take all my little notes and phrases out of my journal and put them
into a narrative that makes sense! I will post on our blog within the next few
days, and share pictures of the spaghetti dinner and hopefully some of the
amazing events and people that touched us since December 3rd. (And before that,
A dear friend said something very
inspired and important to me at the spaghetti dinner. I was sitting in my own pride feeling
really uncomfortable "receiving" all the amazing blessings being
poured out and over our family. She pointed her finger at me and with tears in
her eyes, she said, "Patty! You just need to get out of the way! This is
about what God is doing and you can't interfere. This isn't about you." It
is entirely about my Daddy God who adopted me into His eternal family and loves
me. I love ALL my children passionately, but you know what? God loves them even
more than that! I stand in awe and thankfulness to my Savior and Redeemer. Jesus,
You have redeemed two more! Thank You, God, that they don't need us. All they
need is You. And we are simply privileged and called to teach them and show
them this truth...and love on them. :-) Amen!
Michele ready to prepare garlic bread!
So. Now what? Now we wire our funds
to our agency. They will then let the boys know they officially have a family.
Yay! Then we complete more paperwork and continue some fundraising efforts as
we still have two round-trips to Ethiopia and monthly "foster" care
to fund. We will keep everyone updated and I'll do my best to keep our blog
current. There are silent auction items that were not purchased at the
spaghetti dinner, so we will update that page on our blog and run the auction
online for the rest of the items.
Chef Kirk's assistants, Rogan and Lindsey.
They volunteered their time and talents for our boys.
Please continue to pray with us, not
only for the remaining funds, but for return, multiplied blessings on all who
are supporting us, for Paul and I as partners and best friends to not be
distracted and to keep our gaze firmly fixed on the Lord, and for our children.
All four of them. :-)
Many people were concerned about our
spaghetti dinner turnout because of all the rain. How crazy was that?! I mean,
when is the last time it rained like that here in the Phoenix area? It's been a
long while, but of course the rain came down on just that specific day. I have
to share that I felt so much peace. I just knew that the rain was meant to be
for a reason. I JUST NOW realized something. God has put me in Psalm 68 several
times this week. Here is part of it...
The earth shook; the heavens also
dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself was moved at the presence of
God, the God of Israel.
You, O God, sent a plentiful rain,
whereby You confirmed Your inheritance,
When it was weary, Your congregation
dwelt in it;
You, O God, provided from Your
goodness for the poor.
Psalm 68: 8-10
The rain fell, and cleared, and yesterday our
precious pastor and leadership (amazing friends) were able to tell us that the mountain had been
moved and the rain confirmed His presence and provision.
With so much joy, love, and peace,
Paul and Patty
Our beautiful Rhyan rolling the bread to the ovens.
Friday, December 7, 2012
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
"Why not just adopt from here?" Why Africa?" "Isn't that way expensive?" "Aren't those kids just being used?" "If you don't have the money, why are you doing this?"...
Questions, doubts, fears, misconceptions.
Answers... The best I can give, anyway.
Because God made it clear that our children are in Africa. If you read how our adoption journey began, you'll get a better feel for "why Africa".
YES. It's way expensive. No matter where you adopt from it's expensive, unless you adopt through the state. And that, my friends, is a lofty calling as well. In that case, be prepared to possibly have children leave your home if they aren't severed from their biological parents. And be prepared to endure what can sometimes be a very lengthy and emotionally taxing time while the courts and powers-to-be decide the fate of "your" child or children. You may also need to be prepared for disabilities and struggles that come with children who have been exposed to many ugly things - in and out of the womb. That is a precious calling and one that tender hearts may break from, but one we admire and are inspired by. Of course, our boys are in a country where malnutrition, poverty, and disease run rampant. I can't wait to bring them home!
Trust me when I say that I don't think anyone in their own strength can say yes to this mission without the love of Christ and His redeeming grace in their own lives. Who can really understand adoption if they haven't been adopted into God's family? So, the price may not be seen in a multitude of fees, but there is still a cost. (Read the blog post at this link in regards to cost! FYI - Keep a tissue box nearby. Seriously. Just do it.
All adoption - from here or there - is God's work. Believe me, Paul and I prayed and prayed about that one. Why God, do you have us going to Africa? For real? We don't have the money, so maybe we're not supposed to do this. What did we hear from Him? He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life...and I don't make mistakes. This is what you are called to. Just be obedient. Say "Yes" and see what I do. This work is up to Me!"
Are the orphans just being used? Well, maybe in a way they are being used, if you want to call it that, by God. Used to bring more love and joy to homes and families that can ever be imagined. Used to grow the Kingdom of God through spirit-filled parents who raise these kiddos to know Jesus as their personal Savior and King. Used to show the world the truth of His word; that He loves the poor and oppressed. That He sets the lonely in families. That He wants us to partner with Him in His redemptive work.
I don't ever have all the answers, and I'm sure there are those who won't agree with my answers, but Paul and I are filled with peace and joy and expectation, knowing that these answers are all we need.
Questions, doubts, fears, misconceptions.
Answers... The best I can give, anyway.
Because God made it clear that our children are in Africa. If you read how our adoption journey began, you'll get a better feel for "why Africa".
YES. It's way expensive. No matter where you adopt from it's expensive, unless you adopt through the state. And that, my friends, is a lofty calling as well. In that case, be prepared to possibly have children leave your home if they aren't severed from their biological parents. And be prepared to endure what can sometimes be a very lengthy and emotionally taxing time while the courts and powers-to-be decide the fate of "your" child or children. You may also need to be prepared for disabilities and struggles that come with children who have been exposed to many ugly things - in and out of the womb. That is a precious calling and one that tender hearts may break from, but one we admire and are inspired by. Of course, our boys are in a country where malnutrition, poverty, and disease run rampant. I can't wait to bring them home!
Trust me when I say that I don't think anyone in their own strength can say yes to this mission without the love of Christ and His redeeming grace in their own lives. Who can really understand adoption if they haven't been adopted into God's family? So, the price may not be seen in a multitude of fees, but there is still a cost. (Read the blog post at this link in regards to cost! FYI - Keep a tissue box nearby. Seriously. Just do it.
All adoption - from here or there - is God's work. Believe me, Paul and I prayed and prayed about that one. Why God, do you have us going to Africa? For real? We don't have the money, so maybe we're not supposed to do this. What did we hear from Him? He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life...and I don't make mistakes. This is what you are called to. Just be obedient. Say "Yes" and see what I do. This work is up to Me!"
Are the orphans just being used? Well, maybe in a way they are being used, if you want to call it that, by God. Used to bring more love and joy to homes and families that can ever be imagined. Used to grow the Kingdom of God through spirit-filled parents who raise these kiddos to know Jesus as their personal Savior and King. Used to show the world the truth of His word; that He loves the poor and oppressed. That He sets the lonely in families. That He wants us to partner with Him in His redemptive work.
I don't ever have all the answers, and I'm sure there are those who won't agree with my answers, but Paul and I are filled with peace and joy and expectation, knowing that these answers are all we need.
Monday, December 3, 2012
We Have a Deadline!!!!!
You really need to know the story that God is writing. It has brought me to my knees - on my face - at the feet of the Almighty, my Daddy God. Really? How is it that I would be so privileged as to become "mommy" to orphans? I'm already blessed with a loving, supportive, compassionate, really funny man (Yeah. It's best not to get into that one yet. Better for a future post!) And I've been given two priceless gifts in Rhyan and Tyler. Yet, He wants to give me more??? Remember those MORES? Here they come, and all because of God's grace and love.
The Lord has done some amazing things in the last few days, and let me just spit it out and say that we have been "matched" with two sweet little boys in Ethiopia and we need help to allow us to be their parents. Here’s the deal. We’ve been given the unofficial referral, but the official referral comes with a fee that is paid to the Ethiopian government, orphanage, and other agencies that officially release (for lack of a better term at the moment) the boys as ours. . We have two weeks before they end up being sent back to the orphanage and possibly separated from each other. This is simply how things work there.
The Lord has done some amazing things in the last few days, and let me just spit it out and say that we have been "matched" with two sweet little boys in Ethiopia and we need help to allow us to be their parents. Here’s the deal. We’ve been given the unofficial referral, but the official referral comes with a fee that is paid to the Ethiopian government, orphanage, and other agencies that officially release (for lack of a better term at the moment) the boys as ours. . We have two weeks before they end up being sent back to the orphanage and possibly separated from each other. This is simply how things work there.
Really, we are all part of this story; the adoption story, I mean. Haven't we been adopted into God's Forever Family through the blood of His Son? What a price to pay. The funds we have to raise are so trivial in comparison, yet the funds are the price we must pay to adopt our boys. As God has called us (the Gregersens) to
become parents to orphans, He has called others to care for orphans in other
ways. We believe one of those ways is helping to finance a family adoption. Our total to be able to call them ours officially and stop the ride
back to the orphanage and/or separation from each other is $22,000. (I hear crickets chirping. Have you recovered yet?) I know. It’s a huge
amount and is in addition to costs we have already covered as well as costs
that will come after, such as: travel, passports, and visas. Our deadline is 7:00 a.m., Tuesday December
18th. So, please remember that any
amount helps, and your donation is priceless to our family. Just use the donate button here on our blog and trust that whatever is given from your heart is received humbly and gratefully. You are part of the story!!! **Please use the "ChipIn" button to donate.**
Here is a little bit about our guys. The boys are 6 and 3, and
as a new friend and Sister in Christ said, they are “through the roof sweet!” She and her husband were in
Ethiopia a couple weeks ago meeting their three daughters for the first time,
and they got to meet the boys! I’m
shaking as I type. Again, how can God be so kind and generous as to choose ME to be
their mommy, and Paul to be their Daddy... and Rhyan and Ty to be there siblings!?!? Surreal. FYI – Age alone makes our 6 year-old
special needs, as he is not as “adoptable” being considered an “older” child.
Really? Yes. Ugh. They are also harder to place because there are two of them –
and not girls. This is just how things roll in the adoption world, folks.
Okay – please continue to pray! I can honestly say I’m nervous.
Nervous for what these next two weeks hold, and even for the changes that are
coming to our family. We are all super-excited, but the unknown can also be
scary. This is a huge step in obedience for us, especially knowing that it’s impossible
for us to make this happen. Only God can make this happen. We feel the obedience thing just as much
as we feel the emotion. I look at the faces of many orphans and I love them all, so I
asked God that if that’s the case, how would I know when I see “my” children?
He clearly told me that it’s because He’s given me His heart for orphans, and
He loves them all too – more than I do. But we can’t “rescue” all of them. He’s
called us only to parent these the two who are home now!
He told me to say yes and
see what He does! Oh, I LOVE GOD SO MUCH!!!! We’ve prayed for our adoption to be such a “not-us-all-Him thing”, and for Him to get all the glory. This certainly will show His sovereignty! Faith of a mustard seed, right?
Friday, November 30, 2012
A Whole Lot of Mores
My head spins at the realization that God calls me His. Wants me to partner with Him for His will. Fills me with the knowledge that my true place is at His feet in adoration. And brings me joy in ALL of this! This is what I call to mind when I find myself questioning what in the whatever am I doing!
Two more children means a decade or more of parenting dependents. It means more years of homeschooling. Aiyaiyai. All the lesson plans and grading. It means more braces, more muscle rubs with Vick's for growing pains, more bloody noses and tummy aches, more co-pays for well-checks and ear infections, more driver's tests, college tuitions, and more dirty socks on the floor. But, it also means more missing teeth ear-to-ear grins, more twinkly eyes, more tear-stained faces asking for prayer, more goofy jokes retold completely wrong, more giggles around the dinner table, more baseball or soccer or dance, more "I love you!"s, and more of God's babies in our home. I would say it's more than a fair trade. I'll take all the daunting "mores" for all the other "mores" any day.
We have connected with another agency and a pair of bright-eyed little boys that need a home. Could they be our sons? We're praying that God reveals His plan, and that He provides the funds we need to bring them home, should that be His will.
For now, we enjoy a short break from baseball and dance. Preparation for Christmas is our focus and an exciting one at that. It's our first Christmas in this home, and we still find ourselves having to replace and repair things here and there. The latest - the new sliding arcadia doors. So wonderful! We can actually open it without smashing our fingers or throwing out our backs. Our Christmas trees are up and this favorite season for the Gregersens is in full swing, including not having a clear day on the calendar. Gotta love it!
Two more children means a decade or more of parenting dependents. It means more years of homeschooling. Aiyaiyai. All the lesson plans and grading. It means more braces, more muscle rubs with Vick's for growing pains, more bloody noses and tummy aches, more co-pays for well-checks and ear infections, more driver's tests, college tuitions, and more dirty socks on the floor. But, it also means more missing teeth ear-to-ear grins, more twinkly eyes, more tear-stained faces asking for prayer, more goofy jokes retold completely wrong, more giggles around the dinner table, more baseball or soccer or dance, more "I love you!"s, and more of God's babies in our home. I would say it's more than a fair trade. I'll take all the daunting "mores" for all the other "mores" any day.
We have connected with another agency and a pair of bright-eyed little boys that need a home. Could they be our sons? We're praying that God reveals His plan, and that He provides the funds we need to bring them home, should that be His will.
For now, we enjoy a short break from baseball and dance. Preparation for Christmas is our focus and an exciting one at that. It's our first Christmas in this home, and we still find ourselves having to replace and repair things here and there. The latest - the new sliding arcadia doors. So wonderful! We can actually open it without smashing our fingers or throwing out our backs. Our Christmas trees are up and this favorite season for the Gregersens is in full swing, including not having a clear day on the calendar. Gotta love it!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
We officially were placed on the wait list on May 10, 2012! It was the same day our friends had their court date to legally become parents of the little guy they adopted domestically. Could we ask for better Mother's Day gifts!?!?
God is busy growing His family and settling the lonely in their forever families. There are no orphans in God's world, and His economy is beyond sufficient for those of us who are called to His purpose. I pray for the day that I see no more orphans in this world, either. I know it may be the day of His return, but it will happen. God's thoughts are deeper. His ways are higher. Isaiah 55:8, 9
God is busy growing His family and settling the lonely in their forever families. There are no orphans in God's world, and His economy is beyond sufficient for those of us who are called to His purpose. I pray for the day that I see no more orphans in this world, either. I know it may be the day of His return, but it will happen. God's thoughts are deeper. His ways are higher. Isaiah 55:8, 9
Sunday, April 15, 2012
I Fed Ex'd our dossier last Thursday, April 12th! For those of you who don't know what a dossier is, just take a peek at the papers in the picture. These are letters, forms, certificates, home study, passports, etc. that have all been part of the last nine months of our lives. They were authenticated by Arizona Secretary of State and are now in the hands of our agency, the U.S. Government, and Ethiopia. Woohoo! Now we wait to hear when we are officially on the wait list, and wait some more to meet our kiddos. I've felt butterflies in my belly every day since Thursday! It feels so much more real now that we've pretty much completed our end of the process (other than fundraising and travel). We are SO excited!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
My emotions flew into overdrive today at church. What an amazing, spirit-filled, loving, loaded with servants, church family we have. I feel so at peace and at home when I'm at church. I want to be there all the time. Not because the thermostat is set perfectly or because potluck Sunday is heavenly, though it is, but because my heart aches to be with my church family. There is nothing like the love between believers who are filled with the presence of Jesus when we are together in worship and praise and studying the Word.
Why aren't more churches like this? Our pastor said it perfectly today. Too many churches see themselves just as this - a building where religion takes place. What we do at our "church" is different. We are the church. We gather together as the Saints, made holy and righteous because of Jesus. Thank you God for loving us and forgiving us as we fall in repentance at your feet! Thank you for adopting us as your own and hearing our cry as the needy and desperate children who need your grace and mercy.
Our church knows what this means - this spirit of adoption. They carry the heartache of orphans to their beds at night, and they do what God has called them to do for the least of His. We are so blessed to be part of this body of Christ. We have dear friends who have walked the path and cleared the road before us. We have friends investing in our journey. This is what I call true family.
We are getting closer to being on the waiting list. We've been through the fingerprint scan and the police stamp of approval. Now we prepare the last pieces of our dossier and get it ready to send out. I pray that God continues to hold our hands through this process. He has provided just what we need, just as we need it. How true He is to His word. What a faithful and loving God we serve.
Why aren't more churches like this? Our pastor said it perfectly today. Too many churches see themselves just as this - a building where religion takes place. What we do at our "church" is different. We are the church. We gather together as the Saints, made holy and righteous because of Jesus. Thank you God for loving us and forgiving us as we fall in repentance at your feet! Thank you for adopting us as your own and hearing our cry as the needy and desperate children who need your grace and mercy.
Our church knows what this means - this spirit of adoption. They carry the heartache of orphans to their beds at night, and they do what God has called them to do for the least of His. We are so blessed to be part of this body of Christ. We have dear friends who have walked the path and cleared the road before us. We have friends investing in our journey. This is what I call true family.
We are getting closer to being on the waiting list. We've been through the fingerprint scan and the police stamp of approval. Now we prepare the last pieces of our dossier and get it ready to send out. I pray that God continues to hold our hands through this process. He has provided just what we need, just as we need it. How true He is to His word. What a faithful and loving God we serve.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Bye, Bye 2011
Fall came and went, and winter is here in its usual Arizona fashion. Our nights are downright cold, but when the sun is high in the sky we enjoy the beauty and warmth of living in the desert. We have been busy since July - a quick trip to Southern Cal, Rhyan turned 13, the start of a new season with our worship dance ministry, Ty's baptism, a bountiful Thanksgiving, very blessed Christmas and New Year's Holidays, the surprise purchase of a new home, and Ty turned 10!
We are patiently waiting to hear that our home study has been approved. We don't know if the papers are simply sitting on a judge's desk somewhere, or if the official notice is traveling through the Postal Service world. What is a "home study" you ask. It's an experience in exposure. It involves opening the doors, windows, and peep holes of our lives and home, but when all is said and done, its worth it to be closer to bringing our children home.
We had an amazing social worker who made three trips to interview each of the four of us and see our new home. Still, I have to throw this one out there, regardless of how amazing our social worker is. How does one answer, "So, why do you want to adopt?" Well. Let's see. "Because God told us to." Some people get that, but the majority of the population simply want to hear some sort of twilight zone explanation that involves lots of emotional babble. The crazy thing is that the emotional stuff is there too. And when questioned, "Do you think you will love these children like you do 'your own'?" My response was and is, "I already do."
God has shown favor on the process throughout. He has graciously provided just what we needed at the exact time we needed it, so we trust that He will continue to fund the journey. We now have a few papers to pull together and have notarized, and our CIS background check needs to be completed. It feels great to be this much closer to having our dossier ready to submit. Then the real crazy waiting begins. Yup. Definitely like a pregnancy... a real long one.
We are patiently waiting to hear that our home study has been approved. We don't know if the papers are simply sitting on a judge's desk somewhere, or if the official notice is traveling through the Postal Service world. What is a "home study" you ask. It's an experience in exposure. It involves opening the doors, windows, and peep holes of our lives and home, but when all is said and done, its worth it to be closer to bringing our children home.
We had an amazing social worker who made three trips to interview each of the four of us and see our new home. Still, I have to throw this one out there, regardless of how amazing our social worker is. How does one answer, "So, why do you want to adopt?" Well. Let's see. "Because God told us to." Some people get that, but the majority of the population simply want to hear some sort of twilight zone explanation that involves lots of emotional babble. The crazy thing is that the emotional stuff is there too. And when questioned, "Do you think you will love these children like you do 'your own'?" My response was and is, "I already do."
God has shown favor on the process throughout. He has graciously provided just what we needed at the exact time we needed it, so we trust that He will continue to fund the journey. We now have a few papers to pull together and have notarized, and our CIS background check needs to be completed. It feels great to be this much closer to having our dossier ready to submit. Then the real crazy waiting begins. Yup. Definitely like a pregnancy... a real long one.
One of the myriad of "block heads" at Legoland posing with me and Rhyan. |
The Star Wars Lego creations were amazing! |
One of Rhyan's friends made her an Origami birthday card. Very Cool. |
Sea World 2011 |
Dinner with Shamu. Definitely Rhyan's favorite. |
Ty is baptized by Pastor Eric, Pastor Emmanuel from Ghana, Africa, and Daddy. |
Thanksgiving 2011 at Mom and Dad's |
Our new home! |
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