I have inherited Your testimonies forever,
For they are the joy of my heart.
I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes
Forever, even to the end.
Psalm 119: 111, 112

Friday, December 7, 2012

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

"Why not just adopt from here?" Why Africa?" "Isn't that way expensive?" "Aren't those kids just being used?" "If you don't have the money, why are you doing this?"...
Questions, doubts, fears, misconceptions.

Answers... The best I can give, anyway.

Because God made it clear that our children are in Africa. If you read how our adoption journey began, you'll get a better feel for "why Africa".

YES. It's way expensive. No matter where you adopt from it's expensive, unless you adopt through the state. And that, my friends, is a lofty calling as well. In that case, be prepared to possibly have children leave your home if they aren't severed from their biological parents. And be prepared to endure what can sometimes be a very lengthy and emotionally taxing time while the courts and powers-to-be decide the fate of "your" child or children. You may also need to be prepared for disabilities and struggles that come with children who have been exposed to many ugly things - in and out of the womb. That is a precious calling and one that tender hearts may break from, but one we admire and are inspired by. Of course, our boys are in a country where malnutrition, poverty, and disease run rampant. I can't wait to bring them home!

Trust me when I say that I don't think anyone in their own strength can say yes to this mission without the love of Christ and His redeeming grace in their own lives. Who can really understand adoption if they haven't been adopted into God's family? So, the price may not be seen in a multitude of fees, but there is still a cost. (Read the blog post at this link in regards to cost! http://louxfamilyblog.com/2009/09/a-great-reminder-of-gods-goodness/) FYI - Keep a tissue box nearby. Seriously. Just do it.

All adoption - from here or there - is God's work. Believe me, Paul and I prayed and prayed about that one. Why God, do you have us going to Africa? For real? We don't have the money, so maybe we're not supposed to do this. What did we hear from Him? He said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life...and I don't make mistakes. This is what you are called to. Just be obedient. Say "Yes" and see what I do. This work is up to Me!"

Are the orphans just being used? Well, maybe in a way they are being used, if you want to call it that, by God. Used to bring more love and joy to homes and families that can ever be imagined. Used to grow the Kingdom of God through spirit-filled parents who raise these kiddos to know Jesus as their personal Savior and King. Used to show the world the truth of His word; that He loves the poor and oppressed. That He sets the lonely in families. That He wants us to partner with Him in His redemptive work.

I don't ever have all the answers, and I'm sure there are those who won't agree with my answers, but Paul and I are filled with peace and joy and expectation, knowing that these answers are all we need.

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